This Egyptian Fashion Blogger Inspires Other Hijabis With Her 100 Modest Looks
Probably every single Hijabi out there can relate to the struggle of finding clothing items that are both trendy and modern. However, one Egyptian Insta-blogger, in particular, challenged herself to prove that this combo is in fact achievable.
Aya Elshehaby, the creative brains behind 100 Looks, challenged herself to put together 100 different outfits that a modern Hijabi could rock! She poses for photos and posts the outfits, stating the brands of each garment, so she could inspire other girls that are still struggling.
The coolest thing about her challenge is that she won’t stop at 100! By the time she reaches her goal, she’ll raise the bar even higher by adding a zero, and then another zero, and so forth.
Aya made it to look number 63 so far, and we’re counting! Until then, here are our personal favorite five looks we stumbled upon on her account.