This British Tourist Was Fined $47,600 in Dubai and Here’s Why!
The day started really adventurous to this tourist but definitely did not end well. In the early hours of Tuesday the 8th, this British citizen took it too far, in Dubai and did not only break one speed limit but he, in a rented speedcar, crossed the limit dozens of times and has got himself a 47,600 dollars worth of fines in just one hour.

According to the state-owned newspaper, The National, these fines worth of 175,000 dirhams are the result of the trourist triggering every speed camera on one of the main roads and busiest roads in Dubai, Sheikh Zayed Road with a top speed of 240 km/h. What adds oddness to the situation is that the foreigner rented a Lamborghini Huracan and left his passport as a guarantee, so the owners of the car, who haven’t claimed their car yet, might be liable to pay the fines.
The situation is still not settled, as the fines are mainly registered to the car’s owner and not the tourist driver. If he wants to leave, he might go back to his country, but the lack of the passport might be a trouble.