The UAE Just Held Its First Non-Emirati Mass Wedding
According to The National, a mass wedding was held for non-Emirati couples for the very first time in the UAE’s history. Although mass weddings are frequently held in the UAE, to help Emirati couples cut down on costs, this week’s event, which took place in Abu Dhabi, was the first to include non-Emiratis.
The mass wedding compromised two ceremonies. The brides and grooms each had their own event on the same day. Emirati weddings, like most of the Gulf countries, are traditionally segregated. Previously, mass weddings only involved a ceremony for the grooms.

The two ceremonies were held under the patronage of Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, the wife of the UAE’s founding father, Sheikh Zayed.
Sheikha Fatima, who is also affectionately known as the “Mother of the Nation”, has always been heavily involved in benefiting women’s causes and family life in the UAE, especially in her roles as Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation and President of the General Women’s Union.