Snacks to Eat Before Your Workout


I am no doctor, however, I am a curious person, so I do quite a lot of research. I always think about what I should eat before I workout, and the only food I know of is bananas, because I saw it in a movie. But, what if I don’t have bananas, what else can I eat to give my body that needed boost before my workout? And so, I decided to save you ladies the trouble, do the research, and form a list of snacks that you should eat before your workout.

1. First of all, you should know that carbs are a gym’s best friend, and fruits will give you that extra kick of energy.

2. If you are a runner, bananas are the best food to eat before you head out for a run.

3. Fruit juices or fruit smoothies serve as great snacks before your workout. However, be sure to drink them at least 30 minutes before your workout.

4. Pretzels or bagels are great fast digesting carbohydrates to snack on before your workout.

5. If you want to munch on an energy bar, make sure the ingredients contain protein, carbs and very little fat.

6. Cereal! Make sure to emphasize on the carbs right before your workout.

7. A cup of coffee before your workout is okay, it will give your workout a great push.

8. Yogurt, especially the ones with a fruit base are a great pre-workout snack.

9. A combination of oatmeal and fresh fruit will keep you hydrated, and will release sugar into your bloodstream as you workout.

10. Go for two table spoons of raisins.

11. Apples are a great pre-workout snack. Their sugar load is moderate, and is filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.


WE SAID THIS: Have you ever thought about doing a juice cleanse? Check out our writer’s experience (Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3)
