Sherine to Face Trial over the Nile River Comments
Okay so, everyone knows who Sherine Abdel Wahab is. You may know her as just Sherine and/or Queen of Throwing Shade, but you know her. Well, it seems like the Egyptian singer is back in business (the throwing shade business that is), this time in Lebanon, and fans are not happy in the slightest.
According to Youm7, the pop star was asked by a fan to sing “Mashrebtesh Men Nilha” — a patriotic song that links loving Egypt to drinking from its Nile river. In true Sherine fashion, however, the 37-year-old Egyptian singer replied with, “Drinking from the Nile will get me bilharzia.”
Sherine didn’t stop with that comment, she continued to say, “Evian water is better.”
Fans were angered by her comments and took to Twitter to create the hashtag, #PeopleWhoDrinkFromTheNileWontListenToSherine. Below are some of the not-so-nice tweets from fans.

According to Masrawy, Sherine has been banned to perform in Egypt by The Syndicate of Musical Professions, following the comment she gave during her concert in Lebanon.
UPDATE: Judicial officials has just announced that Sherine is due to stand trial on December 23. According to The Guardian, the singer is charged with breaching an article in Egypt’s penal code, which bans broadcasting false rumors about the country.