Setting Healthy Boundaries With The Overly Intervening Teta’s & Tant Susu’s Out There

Arab families are known for being tight-knit and interdependent, with relatives often intermingling in each other’s lives. We’ve all experienced having that aunt, cousin, or grandma who can be a little nosy, curious, and opinionated about our decisions and choices. While we appreciate the love and concern from our beloved aunt Susu, there are times when it becomes necessary to set boundaries regarding the extent to which our loved ones can interfere in our lives. 

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As we mature and enter adulthood, we begin to form clear ideas about our beliefs, life pursuits, future plans, spirituality, friendships, and personal style. and of course we still need advice and wisdom from those that want our best interest. While we still value advice and wisdom from those who have our best interests at heart, there are instances in MENA region families where certain individuals tend to become overly involved in our lives and choices, particularly if they don’t align with their own views or traditional norms. This can lead to uncomfortable situations where we feel compelled to explain ourselves about sensitive and personal topics, even though we shouldn’t have to.

While this closeness within Arab families offers many benefits, it can also create challenges if healthy boundaries are not established. Balancing harmonious relationships while preserving individual autonomy and well-being is not an easy task, but it is essential.

Clarify Expectations

Take the time to have open and honest discussions with your family regarding your expectations around privacy and decision-making. Respectfully communicate if there are certain aspects of your life that you would like to keep private. To avoid any misunderstandings, provide concrete examples to illustrate your boundaries clearly.

Set Limits on Unwanted Advice

If family members consistently offer unsolicited advice, it is important to establish boundaries politely. You can express gratitude for their good intentions while asserting your need to make your own decisions. Firmly and consistently maintain these boundaries.

Avoid Guilt Trips

Remember that setting boundaries is a healthy act, not a disrespectful one. Do not succumb to guilt trips that may arise, whether about supposedly abandoning family or cultural values. Prioritize your mental health and overall well-being.

Focus on Respect

Frame your boundaries as an expression of respect rather than an attempt to control. Explain that while you value and love your family, you also require space to make independent choices. Request that your need for privacy and independence be respected.

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Limit Oversharing

Resist the temptation to overshare with your family, particularly when it comes to personal finances, romantic relationships, or career goals. Share information on a need-to-know basis to prevent unwanted intrusions and meddling.

Spend Quality Time

Even with well-defined boundaries, make an effort to spend meaningful time with your family. Create lasting memories together and demonstrate affection. This approach ensures closeness without fostering codependence.

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With patience, communication and consistency, you can set healthy boundaries within your Arab family that minimize conflicts while preserving close relationships built on love and respect. Focus on your own needs, well-being and priorities while staying connected to your cultural roots. With clarity and compassion, a balanced approach is achievable.

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