Saudi Women Can Now Work and Study Without Men’s Permission

No, this is not a joke or a clickbait article; this is actually true. It’s 2017, and we’re still reading news like this. Saudi Arabia, the conservative kingdom have finally given women their basic rights, to study and work without permission from a man, or a guardian.
According to the Independent, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has been recently issuing orders to give Saudis more freedom, and the latest order sees women “benefiting from government services such as education and healthcare without getting the consent of a male guardian.”
Bare in mind that Saudi Arabia was elected by the UN Women’s commission to “shape global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women,” yet they just gave women now the right to study and work.
WE SAID THIS: This is great news for Saudi women, but sadly it’s over a century too late.