Ride-Hailing App inDrive, Lights Up Cairo’s Streets One Billboard At A Time
The month of Ramadan is definitely a time for family and outings with friends, whether it’s hitting up new restaurants for iftar, gathering at your cousins’ for the ultimate spread, or even better, going out for a suhoor before fasting again. But, along with thinking about that delectable meal you’re going to have, there’s a definite worry that enters your mind when traveling after dark: it can feel unsafe, especially with poorly lit streets. Ride-hailing app inDrive has heard these concerns and found a clever, vibrant solution.
With over two years of looking at their customer’s concerns regarding safety, inDrive has garnered insights on how they can make things easier and better for their clients. Along with an alarm button that enables you to contact emergency services and 24/7 live ride-sharing that allows you to share your trip with loved ones.

In collaboration with French multinational advertising agency Havas, the project has installed 20 billboards and light boxes on particularly poorly lit streets across areas such as Maadi, Giza, New Cairo and Mokattam. These serve as pick-up and drop-off points during Ramadan season, to promote the safety of both passengers and drivers who travel after nightfall.
These lighted billboards are created with several aspects in mind. Drivers can easily spot passengers once they’re near the billboards, and they feel safer in the lit area. Passengers similarly prefer well-lit locations, where the added visibility allows them to see the car’s license plate, the driver, and the interior of the car before they get in.
Egyptian celebrities including Menna Elzohairy, Rana Ashraf, Mohamed Farag and Mariam Elharaky have taken videos where the billboards shine brightly in the background.
The vibrant project doesn’t stop there, however, inDrive is also conducting a public opinion poll to further determine what influences safety. The survey will be conducted at billboard locations and online and you can fill it out on their website.
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