Random Acts of Kindness

By Sarah Alblowi

With the holy month around the corner, many of us thrive to unshell an exceptional version of ourselves. Let’s celebrates the simple genuine act of helping and uplifting someone else’s spirit. You never know what someone might be going through, however, a small random act of kindness may change their mood.

Remember, people will forget what you have said but will never forget how you made them feel. No matter how small, one act can kick off a domino effect of others paying forward. And how better would our world be with some more kindness? These beautiful random acts will brighten anyone’s day, possibly changing their quality of life. 

Thank a teacher 

Via resumegenius

We all have that one teacher who believed in us and shaped our future. Now it’s time to thank them!

Buy ice cream for a child

Via business.time

Being a receiver of this kind gesture, it sticks in my head till this day. On one hot summer day, offer a child ice cream to cool them down, it’s sweet. 

Send flowers to someone for no reason

Via blog.referyogi

No Valentine’s Day? No graduation? No problem. An expected gesture of kindness and love doesn’t need an occasion. Gift it to your mom, aunt, cousin, or best friend. 

Bake cookies for the office

Via washingtonpost

Sitting on a desk all day is tiring, so be that cool person who brings freshly baked cookies to make everyone’s day easier. Your coworkers will love you! 

Pick up litter

Via Zerowasteeurope

Because street cleaners hunch their backs to pick up wrappers and cigarette buds, often taken for granted and unappreciated, let’s pick up something and help. 

Make dinner for a family in need

Via guideposts

Food is uniting, so put on your apron and prepare a hearty dish. Follow your best recipe and give it to someone struggling. A wholesome meal can make anyone’s day. 

Do someone a favor

Via Guideposts

If you don’t know what to do, why not ask? Maybe someone needs help packing or with running errands. I promise they will never forget your good deed.

Post a nice comment on social media

Via marketvantage

It takes less than 30 seconds, and I know you’re low-key addicted to social media. Next time you scroll, say something gracious and genuine. 

Help someone try something new

Via agriosmindfitness

Taking someone out their comfort zone helps boost confidence and allows them to expand their mind. You might be the reason behind their new hobby or skill. 

Leave a generous tip

Via Fortune

Serving tables, bringing food, collecting bills, and greeting costumers on your two feet for hours is hard work. Not to mention that it’s underpaid hard work. Next time you encounter a sweet waiter, leave them a generous tip. One day that money will come back to you! 


Via wastatepta

Helping the community will help you grow individually. For an instant feel-good moment, give back to a local organization of your choice and watch your life improve. Check out “Egyptian Organizations That’ll Help You Give Back and Donate This Eid” for some inspiration.

Plant something

Via Plantwithpurpose

Planting a plant or a private garden will make our city greener and help reduce pollution. Not to mention that gardening is de-stressing and aesthetically pleasing while receiving a sense of accomplishment.

WE SAID THIS:  Karma is real, no act of kindness ever goes unnoticed! 
