New VR Interactive App Shows Palestine Like Never Before

A newly-launched app allows users to go on a tour through different parts of Palestine. With VR technology, the application, named “Palestine VR”, includes 4 to 12 minutes of videos narrated by tour guides in addition to 360 degrees footage of several locations.

“Generally the people who have the privilege to come and see the reality in Palestine end up changing their hearts and minds about this place. But many don’t have that ability to come, so we wanted to bring it to them,” said Salem Barameh, executive director of the Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy, who designed the app.

The creation of the app comes in light of the recent travel ban imposed on two U.S. congresswomen, who are vocal in their criticism of the state of Israel’s human rights abuses against Palestinians. House Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were scheduled to carry out a diplomatic trip to Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem, and other Palestinian Territories in the West Bank to meet up with Palestinians and leftwing activist groups.

Via Amanz.

People at the Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy decided to bring the trip to both the American policymakers and the general public for the world to see the hardship the people of Palestine are going through because of the U.S.-backed Israeli policies.

“We wanted to take the tour they were set to take and make it more accessible,” continued Salem Barameh.

WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss: Photos To Remind You How Beautiful Palestine Is.
