New Mommies Rejoice! We’ve Got You the Ultimate Solution to Keep Your Baby Clean and Happy
For parents, their ultimate goal is their baby’s happiness. It’s one factor that no two people would disagree on. And, since babies experience feelings of happiness and joy as soon as their needs are met, mothers with happy babies become happy themselves, and happiness spreads to the entire household. Consequently, Egypt’s leading diaper brand in the diapers category in Hayat Egypt, Molfix, has made it their mission to create and spread happiness to both babies and mothers, in addition to positively influencing and enriching their motherhood experience.

From the smile on their logo to their slogan ‘happiness discovery,’ Molfix covers the full diapers portfolio with regular and open diapers, as well as the rising sub category, pants. As the first diaper in Egypt that is 99.9% free from bacteria and viruses, Molfix diapers are subjected to ultraviolet rays, and antibacterial ingredients are added to its packaging material. That being said, it is also the driest diaper in Egypt, approved by international accredited labs.
While their newborn size diapers have an umbilical cord notch to stay gentle on the bellies of newborn babies, their pants, which became the market leader in its segment in just one year, has flexible waist and leg bands, as well as an elastic body system. Molfix is both baby friendly and mommy friendly, so what more would you need when buying diapers for your little munchkins other than a convenient, comfortable, and cosy experience? And to top it all, their pants are a perfect solution for busy moms, as it conserves their time, is completely hassle-free, and facilitates their routine.
That’s not it just yet! One of the most popular and most beloved celebrity moms, Egyptian actress Yosra El Lozy, is their brand ambassador. El Lozy advocates for the brand, and its role in helping her live a comfortable and happy motherhood experience from day one with her newborn baby.
Launched in 2012, today, Molfix aims to become Egypt’s market leader in all categories.