Going Mental: We Talk to the Man Behind the Video Series Addressing Mental Health Awareness in Egypt

“Ein el ‘Aql” is a series of short videos that Dr. Mourad Wahba, Psychiatry Registrar and Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, recently began posting on his Facebook page. Wahba saw the pandemic as a good entry point to create a series that addresses mental health issues in an informative, yet easily-digested manner.

“I’ve always thought that we need more mental health awareness in Egypt. When a person faces a problem, they usually think they’re the only one in the world facing it, and that can be a very lonely, and scary, place. By bringing these topics to the surface, it helps anyone who is suffering know that they’re not alone, and know that there are solutions,” said Wahba.

عين العقل – المقدمة

بعد مناوشات و مجادلات ومناقشات وترددات و شد و جذب و مد و جزر مع نفسي قلت أجرب أفتح شباك من غرفة المعيشة عندي للعالم اشارك منه أفكاري و شوية كلام اتعلمته من الطب النفسي- لعله يفيد حد تاني قاعد برضو في غرفة معيشته.. دي مجرد المقدمة والفيديوهات الباقية قادمة..

Posted by ‎أنا مش مجنون‎ on Tuesday, April 14, 2020

He started the series by speaking about our routines, many of which have changed recently due to the quarantine, before moving on to talking about our deeply engrained habits. Through two separate videos, he explained how we generally build our habits over time, and ways through which we can start adopting healthier ones.

الحلقة الأولى- الروتين

الحلقة الأولى- الروتينارسم خريطة ليومك تلاقي النظام وسط الفوضى

Posted by ‎أنا مش مجنون‎ on Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wahba explained that the quarantine is affecting people differently. He advises people to be kind to themselves; this is a difficult time, and just coping with it can be enough.

“Don’t over-stress yourself into being productive all the time. Try to create a sense of purpose or structure to your day by making healthy food, staying hydrated, exercising, connecting with people, limiting your news intake, and most importantly, looking after yourself and those around you,” added Wahba.

Through this series, Wahba also plans to shed light on certain mental health disorders, in order to educate and foster much-needed acceptance.

Mourad initially created his “Ana Mesh Magnoon” (I’m not crazy) Facebook page in 2013 based on his belief in the importance of raising mental health awareness and spreading this knowledge online.

This is a stressful time for many of us and it can, unfortunately, trigger a pre-existing mental health issue, or a new one, so it’s important to reach out and seek help, even when you’re unsure. You’re not alone.

WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss Going Mental: On Panic, Pandemics, And The Importance Of Being Mindful
