Egypt’s Divorce Rate Increases from 7% to 40% During the past 50 Years

Every other day a dream couple gets divorced in Egypt. It is such a recurring phenomena, and at times, it feels like couples can’t hold the marriage together for more than a year. While some might blame the spoiled nature of young couples and choosing the easy way out, the divorced couple usually blame the difficult living conditions in Egypt.
At the International Conference of the Faculty of Arts on Women and the Future Industry, Tarek Mansour, Vice Dean of Faculty of Arts in Ain Shams University, announced that divorce rate has increased from 7% to 40% during the past 50 years.
Mansour added that women are overlooked in society, as they suffer from major problems such as domestic violence, female genital mutilation, early marriage, and polygamy. The theme of the conference was the role of Arab women in development, as they talked about Arab women empowerment, the issues they face in society, their role of in ministries and how media should cover their problems.