Diaries of a Bride to Be: The Road to Paree, Part Two


In Part One, Lenah’s grandpa schemes to send her and her cousin Sarah to meet Yassine in Paris. They arrive in the city of romance, and after a day of exploring, Lenah anxiously awaits a text from Yassine.


I got it, and ran to the reception where he was waiting. We were so excited and I couldn’t wait for him to meet Sarah.

They shook hands (which is weird when I think of it because they’re like best buds now) and we waste no time and decide to get our party on right away.

It was Halloween and the club was packed! I felt like I was back in the States – not what I expected at all, but French people know how to party.

photoThe next day, Yassine surprised us with tickets to Disney World! I LOVE Disney, it’s like the ultimate place to act like a child and you’re amazed every time you go there.

We went on all the rides and laughed at Sarah’s mini freak outs on the roller coasters (she was convinced that her nose was going to fall off), and I ran around buying tons of candy and souvenirs like a crazy woman.

The next few days, we did all the typical touristy stuff, and it was SO much fun, eating cotton candy at the Eiffel Tower, taking pictures at Notre Dame and, of course, trying out ALL the mouth-watering Parisian bakeries! Yassine was so graceful through it all, and took us around everywhere, though I knew he probably went over a hundred times already.

At night, we went to some amazing clubs, and Sarah was the showstopper, grabbing the attention of all the eligible bachelors. And I must say, Yassine and I were exceptional wingmen.

One day, as we were wandering around the Louvre, Yassine gets a call from his dad saying he wants to meet up with us. I forgot to mention that Yassine had informed his entire family of Sarah and my visit, and they were super excited. Meanwhile, I was having a mega guilt-trip for not telling mine!

Anyway, Yassine and Sarah got fidgety and worried about it, but I told them we should meet him! I’m very good at these things, especially with older people, and I don’t really get nervous.

So Yassine calls him back and we decide to meet at a café that evening. I was acting confident the whole day, calming both of them down, but as soon as we sat our butts at that table in the café, my anxiety crept up, and of course they made fun of me.

It just hit me that this was really happening and I was going to meet my boyfriend’s father! Uncle Rachad walks in and my face is all sorts of colors, but I gradually pulled myself together and relaxed.

We talked about Egypt, its lovely people and some Arab/European culture differences – all nice, general stuff. Then, he swerved the conversation to marriage. Shit.

I just plastered a smile on my face and nodded all the way. Meanwhile, Yassine was sitting next to him smiling like a cheeky little boy, not understanding most of the conversation, of course.

It was hilarious. The way he talked was in proper fos7a Arabic, and so as he was talking about marriage it was sort of like a poem. For example, one of the things he said was that a couple is like two fruits, and both families are the trees and they should all intertwine in harmony for the marriage to work (I swear, exact wording).

I had to smack Sarah because she was giggling a few times, but all-in-all the conversation was great! He was such a kind, respectful man and I felt relaxed with him.

It felt good to have an adult there, and I felt confident that my Egyptian charm and jokes made him really like me!

Yassine left the next day, and Sarah waited for me at the hotel to give him and me some alone time as I took him to the train station. We totally had that cliché lovers parting scene like in the movies. The train arrived, and I really didn’t want to let him go. I actually felt depressed! But I knew I would see him again soon, and that made me feel better.

Afterward, Sarah and I had some bonding time, shopping and getting lost at random places. I was convinced that he was going to surprise me and come back for a night the day after, and I kept badgering Sarah about it, but she pitifully laughed at me and totally burst my bubble saying “Lenah, he really isn’t.” I was kind of disappointed, but alas, I realized you can’t have it all!

It was time for us to leave beautiful Paree, and I was totally dreading going back because I knew what my grandpa was going to tell me what the next step was: telling my parents. And THIS, my friends, is worth the wait for the next post.


WE SAID THIS: Check out the entire Bride to Be series here!
