Credit To The Artist: Ahmed Magdy Featured in Powerful #KefayaPlastic Campaign
The world has become increasingly aware of the threat of single-use plastics. The Middle East and North Africa have finally caught up to the global-trend of promoting sustainability and a plastic-free life. If you are leaning towards living plastic-free yet can’t find a practical alternative, this campaign just might be for you.
Ahmed Magdy was featured in the Kefaya Plastic campaign that coincided with World Environment Day on June 5th. In a series of powerful images by Khaled Marzouk, the Egyptian actor appears tangled and trapped in plastic waste, depicting the reality of marine life.

The campaign – founded by local artist and founder of Zed Art Corner named Zi – urges everyone to reduce plastic consumption on a daily basis. “If each one of us decides to give up on only 1 plastic bag, or 1 straw or only 1 plastic bottle per day, can you imagine the total amount of these reduced plastics? It’s not shameful if you tell the seller that you dont need a plastic bag! It’s not hard to take a reusable fabric bag or a backpack while shopping”, the caption read.
As recommended by Greenish, the campaign advises users on how to reduce their consumption by foregoing plastic bags if you are only buying a small item such as a pack of medicine, or using water filters at home instead of buying plastic bottles.

If you are trying to join the movement,
Actor: @ahmedmagdy86
Photographer: @marzkhaled
Creative Director & Stylist: @zedartcorner
Assistant Stylist: @mayadel.s
MUA: @emanarafa
Hair Stylist: @shehabb.adel