Bolivia Says Bye To Coke


No not the drug, get your heads out of the gutter it’s Ramadan for God’s Sake, just wait till Eid!

Bolivia that little country in South America, that shares a border with Brazil, has decided to kick Coca – Cola the multinational Conglomerate out of it’s country by the end of the year!

Sounds pretty serious right? Well their reasoning seems a bit apsurd to us, Coca-Cola will be expelled from the country on the same day the Mayan calendar enters a new cycle, on December 21st. David Choquehuanaca the minister in question, who made the decisions, explains that the calendar ending marks the end of capitalism and the beginning of the start of culture and community based societies!

Man seems a little bit coo-coo to us, but whatever floats his boat and their economy. It’s also rumored that Venezuela’s Hugo Chafez will follow suit and encourage his country to ditch the American soft drink and start producing things locally!

We can only imagine these are big markets for the drink giant, we wonder how affected they will be?

We Said This: Let’s see if the world continues to exist after the 21st to begin with!
