The Daughter of Arish’s Martyr Gives Heartbreaking Speech

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For the past couple of years, we have somehow become numb when we hear about terrorism. Every other day we hear of crimes we can’t fathom. We choose to shut out our feelings because it is easier to think we believe in a safe world. Yesterday, an Egyptian martyr’s daughter had a lot to say and we couldn’t help but feel the reality of it all.


The Police Academy celebrated the graduation of its newest batch with the presence of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi. Amidst the celebrations, the Academy didn’t forget the country’s martyrs or their children. The daughter of Yasser Al-Hadidi, Inspector General of Security, who passed away last March in Arish had some lovely words to share about her late father. In addition to the officer of the Central Security, who was wounded during the dismantling of the sit-in Rabaa al-Adawiya, and ended up in a wheelchair; and Omar Mohammed Abdul Moneim Jabr, graduate officer in batch of 2017 and son of martyr; Colonel Mohammed Abdul Moneim Jabr, who was killed along with a number of colleagues after the dissolution of the Rabaa.



While some social media users had some harsh comments about the young girl’s speech, calling it somewhat robotic and staged, we beg to differ. This is a little girl, who stood in front of her president, who tried her best to be as hard as a rock and not cry while talking about her father’s death and last words. What do people expect? Of course she had to memorize her speech. No one at this age should ever deal with this. You simply can not improvise under such pressuring conditions.



WE SAID THIS: May every martyr rest in peace.
