Advice from One Fresh Graduate to Another


I get it. It is not easy being you right now, but guess what? You are not alone. It is normal to feel lost, get depressed, lose track of your goals and cry once in a while after the joy of graduating and the sense of accomplishment wears out. So, how can you answer the million dollar question: “Where do I go from here?”

Well, there is no direct answer to it. I am not going to tell you to expand your network or revise the knowledge you spent years learning during your university days. I am not going to tell you anything that has to do with helping you get a job. But here is what I am going to do – help you keep your sanity.


Wake up and snap out of it


Do you know how many fresh graduates are there in Egypt every year? Approximately 800,000 – that’s a big number isn’t it? So, while you are sitting there, doing nothing, questioning God why you are in this predicament, take a moment and think of the things you can be grateful for. A simple example could be “fresh air”.

It is when you appreciate the small things that you start realizing how to accomplish the bigger things, the more important goals you want to achieve in your twenties. It is time to wake up and think of a solution rather than dwell over the problem. You don’t necessarily have to do it the conventional way. You have the Internet – surprise yourself by the amount of useful things you can do that can help you move forward in your career.


Pick up a hobby


Being unemployed is bad enough. You can’t afford to be snacking in front of the TV all day long or chitchatting with your friends. Whether it’s cycling, writing, swimming, learning a new language – do anything as long as you get to move your body and think. You need a game plan and figuring that out doesn’t come easy. The only way you will get out of this situation in the best possible shape is if you constantly have your mind focused on a goal or activity.


Have the right mindset


You need to know as much as humanly possible about the company and role you are applying for. A common mindset is “I’m a fresh graduate, I’m not supposed to know anything”. Imagine if having that mindset blows up in your face and you lose your only chance at getting your dream job because of it. That would be beyond tragic.

Remember, the more positive you are, the more things get easier for you. Have a positive mindset and don’t dwell too much on the negatives in your life. Turn your anger, bitterness and every ugly emotion you are currently feeling into a better you.


goheartyourselfShift your self-esteem

If you have low self-esteem, you will never get anywhere or anything done. Usually, most of us boost our self-esteem with our jobs, grades, achievements, other people’s opinion of us, etc. To us, working is like our calling, we study hard to land a great job, and everything we do is practically centered on our dream job.

So, what happens when you don’t have a job, you get depressed and have practically no self-esteem whatsoever? The only solution is to experience “unmatched freedom” in a place where your self-esteem isn’t dependent on people, places and things.


Lastly, as Sat Shaan said: “Don’t ever let people tell you how the game is played. If you want it enough, you’ll find a way around.”

Good luck.


WE SAID THIS: Check out “But I Don’t Want to Work” and “14 Inspirational Quotes to Start Your New Year“.
