Add Salt: An Egyptian Homemade Kitchen Born in the Pandemic
Amidst the pandemic and all the unfamiliarity and uncertainty it brought, people everywhere resorted to introducing new hobbies in their lives, reviving old ones, and delved deeper into unfulfilled passions. Two such people who decided to take up arms on this matter, equipped with their spices and cutlery, were Mostafa and Nada, a married couple who wasted no time in experimenting within the the battlefield of their kitchen, and as a result, Add Salt was finally born.

“We would watch cooking shows, imitate recipes, and even try to come up with new ones, and when we got married that passion for food grew even more. It is our favorite shared hobby, we would spend hours together in the kitchen cooking,” said Mostafa. Throughout the duration of the quarantine, the couple, like most others, had to work from home, which inspired them to start a food blog together. The extended time at home served as further motivation for them to try out more and more recipes, apply different methods, and ultimately create their own unique offspring after countless trials in perfecting that eternal taste.
From a selection of dips and sauces such as Asian Vinaigrette, Chocolate Ganache, Roasted Peppers, Fermented Zucchini, Garlic Confit, and more, Mostafa and Nada eventually reached a point of confidence with the taste of their products. Moving on to the next phase, they were finally ready to “share it with the world.” At the beginning, they had started off with products that can be packed in a jar, but as time goes on, their future plans include far more wider options, as they strive for more palatable recipes.

As Add Salt’s page states, “We are a hungry couple exploring the culinary world together,” there is no question their culinary journey has just barely scratched the kitchen’s surface. As their products continue to cement their own raunchy and savory stings within the market, the very meaning of gourmet continues to be redefined.