Ad-Dicted: Pantene’s Sorry, Not Sorry

Apparently, women apologize more than men, according to a recent study, and Pantene wants to stop that.

Pantene’s #ShineStrong campaign aims to empower women through a series of videos including clips that give career advice and challenge stereotypes.

In their latest ad, which highlights women’s habit of over apologizing, Pantene shows situations were woman say “Sorry “instead of “Excuse me” and depicts over apologizing as a weakness.

The video has raised controversy, with almost two million views in less than a week and a surprisingly huge number of dislikes. Many people have reacted with outrage, even accusing the campaign of being sexist. Here are a few comments:






Personally, I find saying sorry is just polite. Is the video exaggerating? YES. Are people overthinking it? DEFINITELY. I just think the video is trying to tell women to be strong, but maybe in the wrong way.

What do you think? Is it sexist? Or is it empowering?


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