A Modern Day Spectacle: Dubai’s Drone Light Show Returns For Its Second Year
With its grand as well as unique celebrations, Dubai has never failed to deliver on its promises. From the New Year’s fireworks show to the UAE National Day celebrations, the event planners of this city love to use creativity and implement new technologies to show the world something different— something that this leading gulf nation is proud of.
Drones have grown increasingly popular in a number of cities; however, Dubai stands out. On more than one occasion, the city used drones for a number of reasons. For example, they deployed drones to deliver takeaways in 2018, then announced a new cutting-edge plan in which unmanned drones will transport passengers across the sky.
This year, residents and visitors alike will be welcomed to a citywide shopping event that will forever impact their lives! The popular Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) Drone Light Show has returned to BlueWaters and The Beach, opposite JBR, for a second edition with a new show set to Rashed Al Majed and RedOne’s popular song “Ya Salam Ya Dubai.” Additionally, the port city will host a number of spectacular activities as part of its yearly shopping extravaganza.
Thousands of people flocked to see the mesmerizing choreography, which chronicles the tale of the UAE’s past using state-of-the-art augmented reality technologies.
Here are some of the stunning images from this incredible drone display!

The Middle East’s longest-running Drone Light Show, which runs daily between 7:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., is an unmissable highlight of the season and will be enhanced this year by the stunning lighting show on Ain Dubai.