Why Moms Shouldn’t Give Flying Effs About What Others Think of Their Summer Body

Summer can be a pain when moms realize that they have to flaunt it all on the beach. While some choose to cover it all up, others choose to enjoy their beach experience, wear swimsuits and go for a swim or simply build sand castles with their kids.
I can tell you, it is not the best feeling in the world when your skin looks different post-pregnancy in the sun, when your hips look wider in your bikini bottom and when you lost all the weight you gained but the extra skin looks saggy. It sucks, we all feel it.
However, I’ve spent the past year trying to lose the baby weight or at least look like I once used to and while I haven’t lost the weight, I have learned 15 important conclusions:
No one is dissecting your figure as much as you think.
No one cares that you gained weight.
No man will notice anything about your body unless it’s a boob job.
Even if he noticed, no man is worth not enjoying your weekend.
A human being came out of your body so you’ve done much more with your life than a 20-year-old model.
Those stretch marks you hate, guess what? Most of us have them somewhere on our bodies.
The cellulite will most probably not go away so you might as well start calling them tiger stripes and roar.
You can eat healthy, try to play sports whenever you have time for yourself, but still not look as perfect as you wish. It’s freakin’ OKAY. Millions of moms are struggling with you.
Have you noticed that any girl no matter what size or shape will tell you she thinks some part of her body isn’t perfect? Khalas, we’re brainwashed.
Your hot friend who is sitting next to you is more concerned about her bloated tummy than your over-weight thighs.
The time we waste being insecure during summer is stressing the hell out of us when we have kids climbing the damn walls and trees to worry about.
Mosal7et elnafs walahi aham haga. You can be the hottest girl on the beach and still think you’re fat.
I choose to blame the Pharaohs for our hip-width genes. It’s not my fault y’all.
You life motto should be, “I don’t care what you think. Sa3adty bel donya.”
Mafish sexier than elbent om dam khafif, eli mesh menafsena.
WE SAID THIS: Can all of you give zero effs so we can enjoy our summer, yalla!