Tips for Spending More Time Outdoors Even During The Fall
Fall is here, but that doesn’t mean you have to pack up all your patio stuff and head indoors. Find out ways you can extend being outdoor during the fall.
It is natural for most of you to start minimizing your outdoor activities as the temperature starts falling in the autumn. Many of you pack up your lawn and move things indoors. However, the fall weather is beautiful and we can still enjoy plenty of wonderful afternoons and evenings outdoors. We just need to have fun activities to keep us busy in the patio or the backyard.
Autumn evenings have a crisp cool vibe so you can easily install a spa or a fire pit to give it a warm tone. You can tone-up the lighting to give a warmer hue to the days that have grown shorter. And if you want to throw a party outdoors then setting up an outdoor kitchen will keep the crowd outside.
Autumn brings on an abundance of fall vegetables so don’t just start to plow the garden yet. You can plant fall fruits and vegetables and keep your gardening days alive until the ground starts freezing over. There are so many ideas that can keep you happily occupied outdoors during the fall days. Read on below for a few ideas you can easily implement.
Install a Kitchen Outdoors

Fall can be a good time for you to find out that you can still grill even though it is not summer anymore. All you need to do is get your grill upgraded into an outdoor kitchen, and you can reap in the benefits of summer cooking in the fall. You can even install a smoker grill combo to fill the autumn air with the warm succulent smells of a summer barbeque.
Get A Fire Pit
One of the favorite fall activities for many of you is getting a fire pit in your backyard and roasting marshmallows over it. All you need to do is buy a fire pit and place it in your patio or backyard and you are good to go. You can even make your own fire pit if DIY is your thing. So put your sweatshirts and sandals on and get smoring with some storytelling to spend the crisp fall evenings.
Plant Autumn Vegetables
After the harvest of summer is done you can plant some autumn delights such as lettuce, broccoli, kale, peas, spinach, and more. Planting these veggies will keep you engaged outside tending to the crops. The best part is. These cold-weather veggies will make a yummy addition to your dinner table. You can even grill some of these vegetables for your barbecue.
Design an Outdoors Room
If you want to spend more time outdoors during the autumn months, it’s a great idea to create a room outside. There are many ideas that you can ponder when designing the outdoor room. You can install a pergola and have your favorite furnishings fill it. This comfortable setting will certainly make staying outdoors in the fall a treat. If you have a screened porch then you can install a patio heater, throws, pillows, and get soft lighting to enhance the mood. With all this installed, being outdoors never got comfier.
Get A Spa Installed
The fall weather results in many pools being closed down for the year, but if you can manage to keep the water warm, you can still enjoy a dip in the colder weather. So getting a spa installed in your backyard will be a great way to soothe the soring muscles after you spent your day tending to the autumn veggies or raking the fallen leaves of the fall. So sit back and enjoy the evening right in your backyard in the warm waters of the spa.
Get The Outdoor Lighting Upgraded
Some of you may feel inclined to retreating indoors as the days get shorter during the fall. With it getting dark sooner many of you may not want to hang around outdoors even if the weather is good. By upgrading your yard lighting you can keep your yard attractive even after the daylights have faded. You can install wall lights, path lights, and string lights scattered throughout your yard to create a warm and friendly ambiance that will invite you to spend time outdoors during the late autumn evenings.
Install a Patio Heater

It goes without saying that the weather does tend to cool down significantly as fall arrives. The air gets crisp and cool, but don’t let these 50-degree temperatures push you indoors. You can manage the chill of the autumn evening by installing a patio heater to make conditions comfortable. There are a variety of patio heaters you can choose from according to your needs. From stand-alone to tabletop, electric, or propane, you can easily find a patio heater that suits your style and requirements and allows you to stay outdoors and enjoy the autumn day until it gets extremely cold.
Plant a Fruit Orchard
When looking for reasons to stay outdoors as the temperatures begin to dip, planting fruit trees for fall fruits is a great idea. You will enjoy surveying the grounds and then planting and tending to the fruit trees on the cool autumn days. The main fun will start when the harvests come in and you can use a juicer, canning equipment, or a DIY cider press to work on the crop. Plant plenty so there is enough leftover for you to share with your neighbors.
Arrange Outdoor Games or Sports
Make an effort to arrange and participate in outdoor games even though the weather has cooled down in the fall. You can make arrangements or buy outdoor games, like a horseshoe pit, frisbee throwing, bobbing for apples, pumpkin roll, four square, or building a treehouse. Sports activities like volleyball, baseball, badminton, and basketball can also be favorite outdoor sports that you can play with your neighbors during the fall.
Paint Your Deck
One easy way to spend more time outdoors during autumn is to take up an outdoor paint job. Your deck should be something that attracts you so redoing it is a great idea. September and October will allow you to do a little exterior painting. Part of the fun will be thinking about what color to choose and picking the right one. Get the tools required for the paint job and maybe invite over a friend or a neighbor to help out. There are many color patterns to choose from and repainting your deck will certainly be a great way to spend those autumn afternoons outdoors.
Parting Thoughts
Autumn can be chilly and a bit cold and the daylight might be fading a little sooner. But that does not mean you cannot spend time outdoors doing your favorite activities. It is not yet too cold so that you have to confine yourself to staying indoors only, and following the tips mentioned above will certainly enable you to spend more time outdoors even during the fall. So make use of the weather and have a great time with your friends and family.