9 Eid Masra7eyat That Will Never Get Too Old
Remember when Eid was about watching our favorite Masra7eya? We decided to take a stroll down memory lane with some of the best Egyptian Masraheyat that are aired on TV every Eid with the funniest clips from each masraheya.

Madraset Elmosha3’bin
“M,E,N apostrophe S… Da engeleezy da ya Morsy?”
Saeed Saleh & Yonis Shalaby, may their souls rest in peace.
El3eyal Kebret
“Lakad 7agzto tazakraa … tazkratantynooo .. homa etneeen etneeeen.”
Hazmny Ya
“wa 2olyyy 2ollyyy”
El Wad Sayed Elsha3’al
“Byfata7 el Samaka mal2aash el khatem”
Sok 3ala banatak
Ahmed Rateb and Foad Elmohndas at their Best
El joker
“ekwam ekwaam ekwaam”
3esh Eldababeer
“Shafik ya Ragel”