6 Types Of Pretentious Moms We All Know


Don’t all moms just want to spend a baby-less hour with their girlfriends just like the good old days? Do we not want to just be our old selves for one hour? What mom isn’t dreaming of having a discussion that doesn’t involve diapers, burping and nurseries?

Well lately, that is not what you get when you are in the presence of certain moms. These women are faker than the Kardashians and everyone in the Playboy Mansion combined. Trapped in their own pretentious bubble, trying their hardest to fit in, talking about nothing but money and perfection, these moms seriously need a chill pill.

These are the ladies we have all come across lately:



Fancy schools just for the sake of being like everyone else



It is only natural to want the best for your child. Applying for the best school in the country is what any parent would think of, but when this turns into a show-off game, it is tacky and very obvious. This is why educational fees have hit the roof. Schools know that many people are easily brainwashed into thinking expensive means socially worthy.



Throwing kids birthday’s parties that are mistaken for weddings



Spending thousands on a baby’s birthday party will never be okay even if you have more money than you can spend. Every year, your child will want a bigger and better party. They are copying your mindset. A big party to them will mean cooler and better friends. Rest assured, not everyone will think of you as worthless if you have a regular party.



Judging others if they do not own a futuristic baby stroller



I am not making this up; I see this every time parents dare go out with an umberella stroller because it is lighter and easier to maneuver. Believe or not, parents get the side eye if they have ugly strollers. It is both hilarious and sad. If you are looking to one-up the other parents with your stroller, you can check out Stroller Buzz’s top car seat stroller combos, which are sure to get those enviable looks!



Encouraging consumerism by bombarding the child with material things



Does a child need a Burberry dress? I can understand moms paying for quality, but sometimes it is all about the print that shouts, “I have money”.



Giving kids regular names but with a pronunciation twist



One of Egypt’s biggest mysteries is not mummification, it is naming babies regular names but pronouncing them differently. Life is hard enough without hearing you nag about me calling him Selim instead of Salim. Give us all a break. We don’t care.



Showing off the husband on social media



I am begging everyone, for the love of everything that is lovable on this planet, stop sharing on Facebook how your husband made your day. My sore throat cannot handle anymore gagging. FYI, the Arab woman is trained by her mom to never say that her husband is good to her in case she jinx herself, so basically no one believes you.



Giving birth in the States yet fighting with anyone who dares mention the harsh truth about Egypt



It doesn’t make a mom less patriotic; offering your child the best options for his future is natural parenting instinct. If that means double nationality, so be it, but it astounds me how some of these women would give anyone hell if they speak negatively of the country.

Please cut the crap, we all love Egypt but we realize we have issues and just the fact that you are securing your child’s future with an extra nationality means you know we are right. Calm the hell down.



WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 8 Annoying Types of Newly Married Girls.
