13 Photos of Downtown Cairo That Will Remind You What a Beautiful Country We Have
Every morning when I gather the courage to leave the house, I bump into nothing but traffic jams, non-stop car honks, tuktuks and pedestrians who appear out of nowhere that throw themselves in front my car because that’s obviously the only way to cross the street.
I constantly see old photos of Egypt and wonder when did things change, how and why we got here, and if we will ever enjoy the serenity of the 60s and 70s. Yet, every now and again a photographer captures a moment amidst all the chaos that makes us fall in love with Egypt all over again.
Here are some photos of Downtown Cairo that will make you want to spend your weekends in the heart of the city:

WE SAID THIS: You should also check out 16 Beautiful Pictures of Siwa You Won’t Be Able to Stop Looking at.