Misr El Kheir Unleashes Students’ Artistic Side For A Great Educational Cause

As usual, Egyptian developmental organization, Misr El Kheir, takes another grand step towards developing education in the country. This time, the organization joined forces with Cairo Runners in the Gouna Marathon that took place on the 12th of October, 2018. The run was to raise awareness about Misr El Kheir’s latest Community Schools Campaign as well as raise donations for it.

Misr El Kheir tackles the importance of the artistic side of its community schools’ students with the help of their latest campaign. The organization developed drawings done by the students themselves into school supplies. Those stationaries and supplies will be available for sale at Misr El Kheir’s stores, Jumia and Misr El kheir website. Buying these supplies will not just empower the kids and boost their self-confidence, but will also help collect donations for their educational needs.

This is not the organization’s first time to take such an initiative. In fact, Misr El Kheir is basically a pioneer when it comes to the development of education. So far, during the past 11 years only, Misr El Kheir proudly has 1,000 community schools and has helped around 30,000 community school students overall.

Misr El Kheir’s latest achievement should definitely make us all proud Egyptians. The organization has proudly received an award from UNESCO for supporting female education. It’s also worth mentioning that Misr El Kheir is the first organization to receive this award in the entire MENA region.

WE SAID THIS: Education is definitely the key to a brighter future for this country. We’re glad that an organization as big as Misr El Kheir with such a huge impact on the society is actually doing something about it.
