Upcycled Chic: Stüssy & Artisan Project’s Rug Collaboration

Fusing together the unlikely world of famous hip hop and streetwear brand, Stüssy, with the collective of craftspeople founded by Palestinian-American textile Nina Mohammad, the Artisan Project, is a collaboration unlike any other.

In the second rendition of their special partnership, they once again released a new collection of innovative rugs.

The New Collection

One of the best parts about the partnership is that it fuses together the best aspects of both Stüssy and the Artisan Project. In releasing their second collection of boucherouite rugs (rugs made from torn fabrics from salvaged textiles), they used Stüssy’s upcycled fabrics in combination with wool sourced from the Atlas Mountains.

Weaving the fabric and wool together to create the final product was the Ain Leuh Women’s Cooperative in Morocco. Their collab led to the making of boucherouite rugs made from upcycled T-shirts, a unique showcase of sustainability, fashion, and creativity.

Sustainability Weaving Through

In the manufacturing process of any clothing line, you’ll end up with some T-shirts getting ripped or stained or left with some error, making it impossible to sell them in stores.

Stüssy was able to make the impossible happen, “an accumulation like this for decades creates a mass of passive fabric. This project tries to resolve this stagnancy, working through manufacturer imperfections and material stand-stills, circulating an ecosystem of fabric.”

The unique line of rugs created in this collab is now available online as well as in some chapter stores across North America, Europe, Japan, and Korea.

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