Things Not to Do on LinkedIn


Checking LinkedIn every morning is among my daily social media activities. It’s interesting, helps you reach a wider network of like-minded individuals, and it’s always great to connect with people you could potentially work with down the line. But then there are other examples of weird ways to use LinkedIn, most of which have nothing to do with business. And that’s why it hit me, I have to put together an article of things not to do on LinkedIn. So here’s my list:


1. Your Picture

Adding a picture to your profile is crucial, but what’s equally important is adding the right picture. It all depends on which industry you’re in of course, and while there are a lot of people who get it right, others have no clue what doesn’t fit. Examples? A picture with your family, a selfie, a picture where you’re pretending you’re not looking (who still does that?) and last but not least ones with model-like poses (but not in a flattering or professional way!)


2. Personal Information

It’s definitely not okay in any way to send someone a message telling them they have a great picture, and you’d like to know them more. I know most women will relate, as this happens very often to them on LinkedIn. What’s even worse is guys giving out their BB pins or any personal contact details. It’s like Linkedin is their new ICQ or Hi5 with tons of fish in the sea to pick from. Now seriously, why would we be interested in a creep? Wait for it, there are even worse examples in my next point!


3. Propose

Yes, you’ve heard it right! Forty and fifty-something men sending out proposals to your inbox message on how they thought your profile is amazing, and you’re all what they have been looking for. That kind of guy might even take it to the next step, asking you to consider to get to know him as he’s an honest man, very serious about you and would love to marry you. What? All you can do is laugh it off and wonder if they’re high on something!


4. Endorsements

The concept of endorsing someone you know who has brilliant skills is a great idea. However when someone you barely know, or haven’t worked with yet, asks you to endorse them or even worse give them a recommendation, that’s when it becomes a big NO. What would you even write?


5. Random People

Some people think having a big number of connections is the best way to go when it comes to LinkedIn, but I’d say think of it more as a quality rather than quantity kind of social network. Yes, it’s good to be connected to a lot of people, but don’t go sending everyone requests! Pick the people you can work with in the future, collaborate or people who work within the same industry as yours.

There, you’ve heard my two cents about LinkedIn, now do you have anything to add to that list? Perhaps a funny story?


WE SAID THIS: Check out The Smart Way To Start Your Own Business: How Not To Land A Job Interview.
