The Mega Corporations that Control the World’s Consumer Goods and Their Egyptian Subsidiaries

If you haven’t already seen this mind-blowing chart showing how 10 huge conglomerates control almost every consumer product on the global market, take a look (click to view larger image):



The consolidation of worldwide business has only intensified in the last decade, with a wealth of mergers, acquisitions and buyouts that concentrate control of most goods in the hands of these few corporations.

In addition to the Western brands shown above (keep in mind there are even more that aren’t included and the chart doesn’t reflect recent M&As), these mega companies also own Egyptian subsidiaries who sell products specific to the local market.

Here they are:


Kraft Foods Egypt LLC

Borio cookies

Rasco and Rasco Harakat cookies

Nity cakes (Choco Nity, Super Nity, etc.)



Nestle Egypt

Baraka bottled water
Dolce ice cream



Unilever Mashreq

Good Morning soap (Egypt’s #1 soap brand)

Mist soap



PepsiCo – Egyptian Bottling Company



Yup, even Chipsy isn’t Egyptian…


WE SAID THIS: Did you know these products weren’t Egyptian?
