10 Reasons Why Kids Are Annoying Little Devils

If there’s one thing that drives me crazy, it’s kids! You’d think being a girl and all I’d have some kind of maternal instincts, but what I have is the exact opposite! Put me in a room with even one kid for 10 minutes and you’ll see a side of me you didn’t want to!

If you’re wondering why I’m bringing this topic up now, well it’s because my siblings are here to visit and as much as I love it when they come, I turn into this crazy person because I have to live with five kids!

You’re probably thinking, “What harm can such cute little things do?” But let me tell you this: They’re little devils!



1. They throw tantrums



Whether it’s at the supermarket, friend’s house or just when you’re about to sleep, when they want something, they’re going to get it!



2. They just don’t stop whining!





3. They use the “get out of jail free” card AKA crying



Whether you want to punish them, scold them or just not spoil them to death, they tend to resort to their easiest option of crying in the hopes that we’ll somehow sympathize and play along. But that won’t work with us! Even though all we really want them to do is STOP CRYING!



4. They’re tattle-tales!



They think they’re so grown up and being goodie two shoes, but it’s just soooo frustrating to hear them complain about what the other kid did every two seconds!



5. They’re downright messy!



Turn your head away for just five seconds and they and everything around them will be one big mess!



6. They always want attention



Pick me! Carry me! Love ME! ME ME ME!



7. They bother you while you’re doing things



Aren’t there days off when you can just be kids free?!



8. They’re noisy



Please… just SHUT UP!



9. They’re little nagging creatures who have everything on repeat!



What are you like five? Oh yeah, you are!



10. They get away with things



The one thing people don’t realize is just how smart kids are and how they fool us with whatever stunt they’re trying to pull by acting like they didn’t mean it or they didn’t know.



WE SAID THIS: Check out “13 Kids Who Are Doing It Better Than Adults“.
