13 Tips Arabs Need to Survive and Thrive Their Freshman Year in College

Adjusting to college life can be hard for students transitioning from high school. I know that for a fact because I’ve been through it. We have so many expectations. We usually think it’s something it’s not, all thanks to Hollywood movies. To help freshmen students from having the same college experience I had, I’ve decided to round up a list of tips and facts you should know before you start.



Don’t dress up on your first day like Khalaf El-Dahshoury Khalaf, but don’t overdress either. It’s college, not a fashion show





Never call your doctor “mestar,” or they’ll go Annalise Keating on you




Again with the overdressing, you don’t need full-makeup at 9 am begad! 





You’ll probably lose touch with 90% of your high school friends, and that’s totally okay





You don’t have to be the same person you were in high school!





College days are not necessarily the best days of your life as everyone says. You’ll have good days, bad days, and if you’re lucky, yes, they will be the best days of your life. Just don’t lie to yourself





Don’t be that guy who walks around campus with the guitar playing that one song (probably Wonderwall by Oasis) to pick up chicks. Being a Tamer Hosny isn’t cool no more ya habiby





Eating fool w ta3meya from the cart outside at 8 am may sound amazing at the time, but it won’t when you have a 9 am lecture





Speaking of food, remind yourself that eating meals doesn’t have to be a social event whatsoever. No one cares if you’re sitting alone. 3ala fekra ba2a sitting alone makes it easier for people to approach you





Don’t wait until your last year to figure out how to use the library 





You’re probably going to want to transfer from the college you’re in at the moment. DON’T!!!





Call your parents. Please!





But most importantly, you need to know that it’s okay to feel lost, try new things as much as you can and always be yourself





WE SAID THIS: Good luck ya gama3a le awal sana!

