Zar at Makan: Authentic Egyptian Folk Music in Cairo

The moment you hear the word “Zar” you immediately feel petrified, but the way Egyptian movies portray Zar practices is so unjust and entirely wrong.

Zar music goes way back in Egypt; it is part of its history and traditions. Practiced for spiritual euphoria, the performers describe it as the divine possession of the soul through excessive musical beats.
Although very humble, using handmade instruments, the sounds and the groove are mind blowing.
You are disconnected from the world and entranced in an endless music loop rich with drumming and “Dofouf” beats.
This mystic ritual takes place every Wednesday at Makan Egyptian Cultural Center in Sayeda Zeinab, featuring an hour of vicious beats accompanied by amazing vocals and a gypsy flavor.
If you go once, you will never stop yourself from going again. It grows on you so fast and haunts you – in a good way.
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