WTF, World? Part 3


You know what’s really funny? North Korea.

Not in a whoopi cushion on your boss’ chair kind of way, but it’s still quite funny. What allows us to find it humorous is that it’s far, far away; possibly somewhere mythical with no physical presence on planet Earth.

Please ignore the previous statement if you are currently residing in South Korea or any other poor nation sharing a border with North Korea.

It’s one of those countries that I like talking about with people not interested in politics because its history reads better than most television series. You know how I reel them in? I let them know that nobody knows exactly how old Kim Jong-Un is. POW! Then I hit them with stories of this legendary family who have ruled the country for three generations. They are born of heaven in case you didn’t know.

In an attempt to seem like a ‘cool’ supreme leader, Kim Jong-Un relaxed certain laws that would allow his citizens to use mobile phones and eat pizza (yes that shit was illegal.)PowPow! Total bummer though for the fashion-savvy North Korean ladies, nail polish is now prohibited. I don’t think they were seriously expecting to be allowed to wear trousers AND nail polish.

But like all crazy dictators, there’s heartbreak that comes hand-in-hand with the funny. The government for example is spending obscene amounts of money on horrendous monuments paying homage to its great leaders while the people starve. There is far too much focus on the aesthetic and shallow side of lawmaking as opposed to working on policies that would strengthen the economy and relieve poverty. Then again, I’m sure none of this sounds unfamiliar to those who have some working knowledge of Arab history.

 Just goes to show though, fact really is sometimes better than fiction. Here are some of North Korean funnies.

