UPDATE: Mariam Mostafa, Uk’s Race Victim, Struggles Even After Her Death
Even though Mariam Mostafa Abdelsalam; the girl who was brutally attacked in Nottingham, was gone earlier this month, her body still hasn’t rested in peace. Her mother; Nesrine Abou El Enein, stated that the British Authorities still haven’t allowed her to take Mariam’s body to bury her in their homeland. In her statement made on Basma Wahba’s TV show, Hona Al Qahira, she claimed that she believes that the British authorities are trying to pressure her to drop charges. They left her with only three options all worse and more brutal than one another. It’s either she drops charges, or receive her daughter’s body without any organs. The third option was to wait for two or three months.

During the interview, Abou El Enein also mentioned that the forensics department has already removed Mariam’s heart, lungs, and brain for the autopsy to take place. “Her father and I do not sleep,” Abou El Enein said. “All I ask for is my daughter to be buried in Egypt and that her soul would finally rest in peace, so we could finally sleep,” she added.
Surveillance cameras at the site where the attack took place have revealed the suspects’ faces and proved them to be guilty. However, tests were required to prove a direct link between the attack and the reason behind her death, especially that Mariam was born with a heart condition. Abou El Enein didn’t just blame the inadvertence of a doctor, sent from the Egyptian Embassy, live on air, she asked him how he would be able to sleep at night knowing that he didn’t do his job properly. She also blamed healthcare in the UK as they kept on stating that Mariam’s case was stable even though it was getting worse day after another.
This was not the first time for Mariam to suffer from inadvertency or have trouble receiving her treatment. Turns out that she published a video online where she mentioned that the ambulance never showed up whenever she needed to go to the hospital. The late teenager cried out for help saying that she’s afraid to go out and that eventually, she’s going to die.