This Influencer Just Outed Her Fiancé for Cheating

Via The Rahnuma Daily

By Yasmine Dawood

Since social media has become a huge part of our daily lives, the influencers are now the people we see on daily basis. I mean, sometimes I feel like I am more updated of their lives than some of my friends already.

Actually, some of us are so overwhelmed by the photos we see that we almost believe that others’ lives are just as perfect as their profiles. We even think that their spouses are one of a kind with all the surprises and the on-point dates they post. Well, even the idea of couple or friendship goals gets now defined by the photos bombarding our feeds.

Photos of perfect outfits, perfect makeup, special brunches, you name it! All of that make some of us feel like we’re living in another world, which is definitely not true. But hold on, do we really see the imperfections of their lives in these photos? Do we see many of them admitting their mistakes? Not really.

So here comes Rawan Bin Hussein, breaking all the rules and exposing something we never expected to see on her almost perfect profile.

Via Pikdo

For those who do not know her, Rawan Bin Hussein is a 21-year-old Kuwaiti raised in England. She’s a law graduate, model, beauty influencer, and entrepreneur with more than 3.2 M followers. I think you can now imagine what to see when you open the profile of the winner in 2017 of the gold shine award for “The Most Influential Social Media Figure of the year” in Dubai.

Rawan shook up the social media world by stating in public that she got cheated on by her ex-fiancé, which was heartbreaking to her followers and fans. A few hours later, she started exposing him, the person he cheated on her with, his friends, and family members as well to her three million followers. Of course, using a lie detector test from somewhere like would prove the suspected cheater is guilty.

She might have taken this way too far, some people even claimed that it was just a show! Yes, I personally believe that this is not okay. Exposing people to all of these followers because one’s in pain is not something to be inspired from and it’s just not cool.

Recently after, Rawan apologized to her followers and fans for doing so. She admitted that it was all a mistake and that she is just a human being who is allowed to make mistakes, and that’s what really grabbed my attention!

I mean, who does not think about revenge right after being cheated on? However, we eventually regret what we did to hurt them when we were already in pain. Most influencers or bloggers only show us their perfect lives and their perfect partners, but this story made us realize that the real world still exists even when it comes to the most unexpected influencers’ bubble of virtual perfection.

Sometimes people just act out of pain, without evaluating the consequences of their actions. Sometimes we literally get blinded by certain situations we get exposed to and we do not know how to act or what to do. So, can you really blame someone who could not fake being fine and perfect at this exact phase, messed it up, and then apologized right after? Or would you at least call all of it REAL?

WE SAID THIS: Don’t let the Instagram glam fool you!
