5 Struggles All Couples Face During Ramadan
Whether you are married, engaged, or casually dating, Ramadan is not the most couple-friendly season out there. So here they are: the five struggles all couples can relate to in Ramadan.
Getting your schedules in sync

From your family 3ozomat to his, from your work Sohoor to his, from your friends wanting to go out to him wanting to have Fitar at home, the list goes on and on. It seems almost impossible for the two of you to schedule a date, given all the mayhem surrounding getting your schedules coordinated.

This is especially true if you both have large families, and a lot of professional and personal acquaintances.
We recommend that you guys bring out the public relations & event manager that resides within at least one of you, and start creating a content calendar.
When you are both more than just hungry

Fasting from food and drink obviously places all of us on the edge. This means that you guys will likely start fights, and later realize that literally the only reason you have been fighting is hunger and thirst.
This point is made much worse when either of you are addicts, may it be nicotine or caffeine, the low amounts of these substances in your body will surely push you guys to want to kill each other.

Come to think of it now the addictions do not have to be as intense as nicotine and caffeine, they can be something as simple as chocolate, or even salty chips. Point is, most of us are probably addicted to something that Ramadan forbids us from devouring.
This deprivation will at some point get to our heads, bring out the worst in ourselves, and in the loves of our life.
When you are not entirely sure what counts as ‘Haram’

Is a cheek kiss going to break my fast? Is a touch going to break my fast? What about holding hands with pure intentions, is that going to break my fast? What about the usual kiss that comes with the everyday announcement “honey, I am home.”?
We have all asked ourselves these questions, and quite frankly all this talk of what kind of interaction is considered Haram while fasting definitely does not make it easier on couples.
Going out seems almost impossible

You can no longer get the burgers you guys have been craving on date night, but you can’t. Why? Well, it is because your favorite eating spots have all either removed more than 75% to create a Ramadan set menu, or are serving a very basic open buffet, and the food is probably not that good.
To add to this, good luck finding reservations in any of these restaurants, if you do not call well – and we mean well – ahead of time.

And, if you do manage to get there, you probably won’t make it on time, because good luck beating Ramadan’s disproportionately crazy traffic jams, especially during the time slots leading up to Fitar and Sohor.
… And much more expensive

Did we also mention that prices for meals in Ramadan, for Fitar and Sohour, double, at the very least? To eat for two at a decent restaurant in Ramadan will probably cost you a fair share of your pay checks.
Did we also mention that some restaurants actually set different prices for Ramadan weekdays and weekends, with the latter being much more expensive and over priced?
WE SAID THIS: We love Ramadan, but we have to admit that it can be extra tough on couples.