Rants of An Egyptian Drama Queen


Like feelings, schools and beaches, people come in two kinds, private and public … Okay, I’ll try to explain better.

I strongly believe that there are two kinds of people who walk this earth … the public and the ‘special’ ones. Unfortunately I do not belong to the first kind. God has plagued me with a brain that I never signed up for. I have learned the hard way that having a head on your shoulders doesn’t mean there’s a brain in it. And, please don’t get me wrong.      I am not at all narcissistic. I would gladly hand you that brain of mine only if you tell me how. Ignorance is in deed bliss.

I question everything. I obsess about the teeniest details. My brain never rests, even when I’m sleeping. I tried to rebel against it, but it won’t let me. I tried to fool it, but it constantly outsmarts me. So, I gave in… I gave in to its requests and its missions until we finally became one. My brain is now my friend, and I gotta admit that I feel much better when I let it take over, but even that comes with a price.

My family thinks I’m a rebellious teenager although I’m twenty-six. My friends love me despite my weirdness. Most of my relatives think I’m a bad girl now, and strangers in the street pierce me with the prickliest looks there are! 

But despite that severe mess, we all agreed on one thing that I wouldn’t dare argue with … I am a drama queen. I had problems making peace with that fact, but I stopped the moment I realized that those two words define who I am. This is my reality and I have decided to embrace it.

My mother always told me that certain things should never be revealed to others, certain things should never be tried and certain facts should never be argued with or even questioned. I don’t know why but it never made sense to me. My mind just won’t accept that, and the world seems to be suffering ever since!

Ask my mirror … Even it told me that I’m the most dramatic of them all!

Why I’m saying this? … I know this will come off as shallow as things get, but what I’m desperately trying to say is that I don’t care! I don’t care what you think and I don’t even care if you’re right and I’m wrong in the end!

I’m comfortable with who I am, what I have and how I live my life. Your approval doesn’t concern me. I was never born to please you anyway.      

Proclaimed teachings from God will not be followed unless they make sense to me. Social diseases will not be tolerated any longer. Ancient traditions that define who you are will have no influence on me what so ever!

‘Not only people who are people are the ones who look and think like you’ – Pocahontas.

Learn to accept me, like I accept all your insanity that I had to endure and live with almost all my life. Just because we’re different doesn’t mean we’re enemies. And it unquestionably doesn’t mean that we can’t coexist.
