Ramascoops – Etisalat

Every time we think we’ve found our favorite Ramadan ad, another one comes out and surprises us! First it was Coke, then Pepsi stole our hearts, and now Etisalat sits as king on our throne.

In all the chaos that surrounds us in this country (Egypt for those of you reading from abroad) there are several moments throughout the day where you just want to scream from frustration i.e. traffic, people who are fasting and incoherent, traffic again, pollution, and the list goes on.

There is a light at the end of the Egypt tunnel though, in all the madness that surrounds us there is genius and pure ingenuity. In times of trouble, lack of resources and monetary means,  Egyptians never seem to run out of creative ideas to get themselves out of a ditch.

Be it the tin pan tied to the head to protect oneself during the revolution, or making Turkish coffee on your flat iron, the influx of creative and crazy ideas splashed throughout the ad, if anything made us love our country more!

We give this ad a big thumbs up, whatever they were smoking when coming up with this, they need to keep on doing it!
