Nothing is Impossible in Abu Dhabi Except Tom Cruise’s Mission!
By Amira Eid
The UAE magnet has attracted Tom Cruise again to shoot the sixth installment franchise for mission impossible movie. The last mission for Tom Cruise was shot in Abu Dhabi back in 2011 when Tom cruise climbed up the Burj Khaleefa 830 meters height Tower.
It seems like Tom Cruise returned back to Abu Dhabi but this time with one of the top UAE media executives Ahmed El Sheikh, to shoot the 6th installment of the movie series Mission Impossible in Abu Dhabi for the second time.

Abu Dhabi is becoming the new iconic destination to host the global movie making industry. Tom Cruise showed his gratefulness for the hospitality of Ahmed El Sheikh. The Abu Dhabi film commission posted this photo with the superstar Tom Cruise and the Movie director Christopher McQuarrie with a caption “Mission Made possible with Tom Cruise in Abu Dhabi”.