Mommy Diaries: I Don’t Want You, Mommy! Go Away!


The first time L Boogie uttered those words I think I literally felt a piece of my heart break off. I was devastated. What does she mean she doesn’t want me? I’m her mommy! After all that I’ve done for her? Does she not love me anymore?

Is that it for us? I thought little girls became unbearable during their preteen years? Not now! It’s too soon! I still need my little monkey child to love and adore me a little longer. I still need her to watch my every move in awe of my greatness.

I automatically transformed into the clingy, pathetic and nervous wreck that would make any insecure teenage girl laugh. But it’s okay. I still have Z Money. She definitely thinks I’m awesome, right?


I begged. I pleaded. I offered a few bribes.  Nothing worked. L Boogie put her mind to it. That was that. I was out. 

Then… the reality of the situation struck me.

Freedom at last! *

I don’t have to do everything for her anymore! I don’t have to watch her color anymore. I can get things done without her dancing in front of me. I can actually take a shower with her pacing around the bathroom waiting for me to finish! Your kids do that too right? I can finally be a human being! I won’t trip over her while cooking. I can walk around the house without her prancing like a little fairy all around me making me forget where I was going in the first time. Maybe now I can get things done?

*This joy lasted all of two days until she realized that I wasn’t heartbroken anymore.
