Mommy Diaries: Be The Best You, You Can Be


L Boogie has blossomed into a little girl. She is no longer a toddler or a baby, but a little lady. She likes to help me pick out my outfits. She tells me when and how I should be dancing. Mostly it’s just her telling me not to dance, but you get the idea.     

Great right?

I don’t know. Kids are growing up way too fast. And I’m definitely not ready for this. She imitates everything I say and do. And yes, it’s flattering, but I’m beginning to panic. Am I worthy of being her role model?

I like to think of myself as a good person. I don’t litter, unless there really is nowhere else to put it. I don’t speed, unless I’m alone and I have a really really good reason. I don’t lie, unless it’s to protect someone’s feelings. I’m courteous to my fellow man. Just yesterday I saw a truck smash a smaller car’s mirror and I followed the truck to get its license plate. Yes by the time I got back the other guy had left, but it’s the thought that counts, no?

But am I good enough person to be L’s role model?

Absolutely not.

Nobody is. We all have our flaws. Some of you more than others, but I’m not judging. So what to do?

Cue cheesy response here: be the best me that I can be.

I’m going to focus on kindness, laughter and honesty. I go through phases where I have an overwhelming amount of guilt looming over me. My mother says that the amount of guilt you feel is directly related to how good of a mother you are. I asked her if she was originally catholic. She didn’t get it.

Let’s lose the guilt. Yes L and Z sometimes have candy. Yes sometimes I’m just too damn tired to give Z a bath and just kind of wipe her off with some wipes. And yes, sometimes an occasional swear word will drop from me. But hey, we’re only human. Plus, who cares when L’s favorite album is Watch the Throne?
