Meet the Designer of the Sporty Abayas
By Salma El Gogary
Lojain Al Refae, a personal trainer who’s now a designer as well, thought of this creative idea when she moved back to Saudi Arabia from the States. The designer wanted to engage in outdoor activities and be active with her children but felt like the regular abaya restricted her movements, so she designed a line of abayas called the “free-flow”, and the idea behind it is that it lets you go about your activities freely.

The “free
“ Mulu Athletics’ abayas are meant for different activities from lounging, to outdoor HIIT workouts, and that’s exactly what the fitness trainer/mom was seeking when she launched this business with her husband. The couple turned their entire lives around when they got into fitness back in 2006.
Al Refae who became an ambassador of Saudi Arabia’s sports industry was recently noticed and picked up by Adidas as part of its Ultraboost campaign. Alongside, mountaineer Raha Moharrak and footballer Saja Kamal, to champion female empowerment in the region.

The brand was originally launched in 2016, the Saudi Arabian woman decided to take matters into her own hands and mix fitness with fashion. It is allegedly said to be the first in the kingdom and it recently got more attention due to the new designs and variety of colors added.