Love, Dad: This Short Movie Will Make You See a Side of Cairo You Tend to Ignore

Love, Dad from Brandon Bray on Vimeo.


On the outskirts of Cairo, lies an entire city made out of, and built on top of discarded trash. It’s home to the Zabaleen (people of the garbage). Vimeo user Brandon Bray made Love, Dad: a short film about just that, and it’ll take your breath away.


Love, Dad tells the story of a dad who works as a garbage man. The movie shows how every family in that area has a specific role, from the smallest child to the oldest grandparent. But the dad chooses to take the biggest risk of his life and not make his son work, but sends him to school instead. Once you see that happens, emotions you never thought you have will take over your body and make you feel things. This is a movie about taking chances, but most importantly, it’s a movie about putting the ones you love first.



WE SAID THIS: Do yourself a favor and watch the video above.


