Jordanian Nutritionists give their two cents on the connection between diet and diabetes

Today is World Diabetes Day, with today’s date being specifically chosen because it’s also the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin. With over 537 million people living with diabetes across the globe, today serves a symbol, and also as a way of enlightening others on this condition. A study showed that there are 1.5 million deaths attributed to diabetes yearly. World Diabetes Day was created by the World Health Organization to spread awareness about the health risks of diabetes. In light of World Diabetes Day and high levels of obesity in Jordan, Jordanian nutritionists shared their two cents on diet and how to manage and prevent diabetes.

Obesity in Jordan

There have been studies done in Jordan concerning obesity where it was concluded that the rates were alarming, especially among women. Within the last 10 years, there has been an increase in obesity rates for men (28.1%) and women (53.1%). Studies have shown that the high rates of obesity in Jordan will play a big role in the increase of diabetes rates over the next 30 years.

What nutritionists have to say

Nutritionists shared their recommendations and advice with Jordan Times to manage or prevent diabetes. One Jordanian nutritionist, Amani Omar, said “People can manage their diabetes by making healthy decisions and having a balanced diet.”

Nutrition goes hand in hand with diabetes. Managing what you eat and the portions are vital for those living with this condition, and for preventing it. However, many don’t realize just how connected their diet is in preventing diabetes. People live on for a while thinking that avoiding sweets is enough. However, the truth is, sugar isn’t only in sweets, but in many foods and drinks as well.

Jordanian nutritionist Aya Rashed, said “Excessive sugar consumption is a key contributing factor to being overweight or obese and increases the likelihood and prospect of diabetes.” For a healthier diet to prevent diabetes or manage it, foods filled with whole grains, fiber, fruits, and vegetables are essential to for a healthier life. It begins with reducing your sugar intake and consuming natural organic foods for a diabetes-free life.

Eating healthy foods will keep your body at a healthy weight, which will contribute to your overall wellbeing. Additionally, workout and hydration are key factors for diabetes prevention as well.

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