Ireland Pushes for Peace: Plans to Acknowledge Palestinian Statehood by Month’s End

The ongoing conflict in Gaza, marked by escalating violence and a rising death toll from Israel’s offensive against Palestine, has intensified global calls for a ceasefire and a lasting solution. Amidst this backdrop, Ireland and Spain are set to recognize a Palestinian state by the end of May.

Irish Foreign Minister Micheal Martin announced that Ireland will recognize Palestine before the end of the month, though the exact date remains flexible due to ongoing discussions with other countries for a coordinated declaration.

Martin emphasized that this move is part of a broader initiative by European Union members, including Spain, Slovenia, and Malta, to advocate for a two-state solution as essential for enduring peace in the region.

Since 1988, 139 out of 193 U.N. member states have acknowledged Palestinian statehood. Martin stated that Ireland’s decision aligns with the Arab peace initiative and aims to signal support for Palestinian self-determination.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, a vocal supporter of Palestinian rights, echoed this sentiment, stressing that recognizing Palestine could be crucial for achieving a two-state solution and ending the ongoing conflict.

Sanchez indicated that while joint EU recognition is preferred, Spain is prepared to proceed independently if necessary.

Both Ireland and Spain are planning to formally recognize Palestine as a state by the end of May, reinforcing their commitment to a peaceful resolution and the rights of the Palestinian people.

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