From Memes to Playlists to Finally Being Free: The Full Story Behind the Suez Canal Traffic Jam
If you’re active on social media for at least 10% of the time, then you’ve undoubtedly stumbled upon at least one meme, or piece of news, regarding the current situation taking place at the Suez Canal. The massive 400 meter long Ever Given ship, almost as long as New York’s Empire State building, has caused a severe ‘traffic jam’ in the 193 mile long canal, blocking passage to over 300 other ships. Reports have stated that as each hour goes by with the blockage, over $400 million are being lost, as major delays have resulted with oil deliveries, as well as other products. Weighing over 220,000 tonnes, the Ever Given ship contains roughly $10 billion in products aboard the colossal vessel, and as hundreds of other ships wait with uncertainly for the matter to end, social media users internationally wasted no time in creating some of the most hilarious memes that have went viral.
Scroll down to see how everyone has transformed this economic disaster into one of the most amusing trends we’ve seen in maritime history!

On Monday morning, reports have stated that the Ever Given cargo ship has been partially freed, with hopes for the entire situation to coming to an end in sight, and allow the over 300 other ships to pass through soon. The chairman of the Suez Canal Authority, Osama Rabie, has stated that the efforts of the tug boats have successfully dislodged the bow of the ship, adding that the ship will be able to move on its own volition soon, and complete its course through the Suez Canal. From excavators to tugboats, the Ever Given seemed resistant to budging any further. However, the persistent efforts from multiple teams, with the additional help of eight experienced Dutch professionals, have successfully been able to move the boat’s stern to approximately 100 meters away from shore. Analysts and shipping experts state that in order to pull through with the rest of the operation, they must wait for the spring tides to rise throughout the day, around 18 inches. Some ships have decided to abort their attempts at crossing completely, making a full U-turn and resorting to the longer route all the way back down around the southern tip of Africa, adding weeks to their journey in the process. Worldwide markets fear the repercussions by the stalling of the halted crossings of the canal, as the Suez Canal bears responsibility for about 12% of the world’s trade, including coffee, laptops, oil, livestock, and other goods. It’s no wonder international news have kept a keen eye on the matter, but not without the comical reactions of social media users.
Ships honking in celebration!
Below we’ve compiled for you our favorite memes, and just for the sake of it, a bonus playlist in light of the matter. Bon voyage!

The Suez Canal has been blocked since last Tuesday, and as maritime traffic continues to remain at a standstill, at least we have endless memes floating around with no blockage of any sort!