Hospitals in Sohag Struggle With Their Capacity as COVID-19 Cases Soar
We’ve reached a point where we’ve been questioning if taking the vaccine would matter or not. Nowadays, in every household, every family, every class, or in every work space, we hear about someone who tested positive for COVID-19. There are a few governorates that have higher cases of coronavirus, and one of them are Sohag. An official source at the Ministry of Health and Population revealed that Sohag Governorate is the governorate with the highest infections of coronavirus cases; adding that the capacity of Sohag hospitals have begun to decrease. This comes in addition to allocating hospitals to receiving COVID-19 cases, as well as isolating the ones infected.
Today, according to statements by medical sources in the governorate, Sohag Governorate recorded 160 coronavirus cases, including 70 cases that were subjected to home isolation, and 14 new deaths from the virus were recorded. Amongst the deaths included Dr. Al-Sayed Othman, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at Akhmim Central Hospital.

Ask yourself now, how are we as a society doing with all of these coronavirus cases, and how are we coping with it? We’re almost in the third wave, but life seems to be getting back to normal too soon in many places. So now what? To everyone out there, regardless where you’re currently residing in, it is still necessary to reduce gatherings and occasions throughout the current period, and to maintain a commitment in wearing masks, as well as ensuring social distancing measures. There is only so much one can do in keeping themselves safe, but recklessness and indifference greatly increase the curve in the ongoing pandemic, and how we behave and act may affect the person or people near you. Not everyone’s body handles the virus the same way, so remember we’re all in this together!