Homeschooling in the Arab World; What Your Kids Really Need
By Amena Reda
Homeschooling is basically about educating your kids at home. Instead of sending them to the traditional public or private schools, you have the option of controlling their schedule, philosophical, and educational system. But the important question is, what is the future of it? And why are parents becoming more interested in the alteration after the pandemic?
Why is it a better option for parents?
As many parents are struggling with their busy lives; from being settled in one city or even one country, the idea of homeschooling became the perfect option for them. Parents don’t have to be away from their kids because of their work anymore, as they can observe their kids’ educational development and watch them overcome their challenges. In addition to that, they can even choose their educational space that helps kids to develop their adventurous spirit and curiosity to learn.
Kids’ social life

In the past few years, many people and organizations started to address the issue of bullying and how it affects the students negatively on many levels. So, parents may find homeschooling as a better option to avoid the sensitive issues their kids might face on a daily basis at school.
Other than bullying, for example, the comparisons between students on the academic and social levels, if they were to be homeschooled they would not suffer from such issues anymore, but instead, they will be able to enjoy their life differently, they will accept themselves as they are, improve their own skills without struggling to cope with other students in the same class.
A more affordable option?
Actually, it depends on the parents’ circumstances. To choose a suitable curriculum for their kids, and hence that determines most of the educational cost. Also, homeschooling doesn’t necessarily mean educating your kids at home, as it requires developing their skills and figuring out their interests and hobbies. So, you will need to be with them, help them to experiment, and engage with nature. And that also will require to set another budget as a part of the educational process.
In the end, there are other aspects that you have to concede, and questions that you have to answer if you are thinking of homeschooling your kids.
It’s understood that the pandemic affected your ideas of education after seeing the efficiency of the remote education on your kids. You might also wonder you do not need to pay much for their school to receive that perfect education for them. Yet, homeschooling requires proper planning skills. You have to make sure that your schedule is suitable enough to fit educating your kids in. Also, bear in mind that you need to have the physical and mental ability to teach your kids. To actually spend enough time with them, to observe their interests and advance them.