Here Are the Top Rappers From Around the Arab World!
The rap scene has been present in the Arab World for the past two decades, but it’s booming now more than ever. A lot of things contributed to the rap scene coming into the limelight in the region, such as the legacy of old school Arab rappers, rap battlegrounds, forums and digital platforms, and current artists who are taking things to the next level.
In this piece, I’ll compile for you some of the best rap artists from across the Arab World. If you’re into the evergrowing rap scene in the region, then this article is for you.
The Lebanese Malikah is the Undisputed Queen of Arab Hip-hop. She started rapping more than 17 years ago and led a career full of successful milestones. She performed at Glastonbury and performed the opening act for Snoop Dogg in Abu Dhabi back in 2011.
Youssef Mohamed Altay, Ra3d, Mazen, and Pinocchio are all names for the most popular rapper in Egypt, Abyusif. He brought the rap scene in Egypt out of the underground and into the limelight and dramatically increased its fanbase. He has a discography that includes hundreds of songs that were recorded independently.
El Rass

Mazen El Sayed or El Rass is one of the leading hip-hop artists in the region. He’s from Tripoli, Lebanon, and he was a journalist before becoming a rapper and a poet. His lyrics are very meaningful and deep.
El Far3i
Jordanian/Palestinian Tarek Abu Kwaik or El Far3i is one of the most popular vocalists in the Arab World. He was previously part of the leading Jordanian Band El Morabba3, but he’s now a part of Shamstep and 47 Soul.

Qusai is the first professional Saudi Arabian rapper, and he’s one of the most popular in the region. Alongside his awesome songs, he’s well known for being the host of Arab’s Got Talent alongside Raya Abirachid.
Farghaly Blax
Farghaly Blax is one of the most pioneering rappers in Egypt. He’s one of the masterminds behind “Rap or Die”, the rap battle tournament that became a platform for all the rappers in Egypt to showcase their talents. He’s also been producing songs for the Egyptian Ostoora, Mohamed Ramadan that garnered millions of views, like Moon and Ensay.
Yassin Alsalman
Yassin Alsalman is an Iraqi-Canadian musician, actor, writer, teacher, and multi-media artist based in Montreal. He earned his Masters degree in Media Studies which ultimately helped in shaping his art form and future achievements.
Marwan Pablo

Marwan Pablo won the hip-hop scene in Egypt in a very short period of time. He became one of the top Egyptian rappers with his unique songs and different choice of music.
Issam Harris
One of the most promising rappers in North Africa, the Moroccan star, Issam Harris. He recently signed a deal with MCA / Universal France, one of the biggest music labels in the world.